Thursday, September 18, 2008

#1: Ike

For this assignment, i chose to write about hurricane Ike and its vicims which i read about in a newspaper article. This hurricane hit at the tail end of the season, a last bang from mother nature. Her ferocious attack left naught but pain and debris in its wake. For me, seeing the reaction the us had to the disastor was a suprizing, yet delightful, experiance. Lots of property damage caused by high winds, flood water and fallen trees like that seen in the aftermath would have me disheartened and depressesed. It takes a lot of courage to start from scratch, and i admire those who can keep going when they are standing in the remains of their home. Slowly but surely, the people are recovering, though not without help. The feeling of community is strong as neighbor helps neighbor to re-build their lives. Local coffee shops serve both lattes and cotractor refferals, tree-removing services and a compassionate ear. In the aftermath, there is always a helping hand outstreched to ease the pain and comfort those who need solace. This is the beauty of man kind, this compassion that comes out of all of us in wake of disastor. i believe everyone should read this piece, because it is always good to be updated on current events, especially natural disators within our own country.

Hanna, Jason. "Ike-battered Texans find comfort, help over coffee." 18 sep. 2008 <>


Katherine M said...

I agree that Hurricane Ike, like all serious hurricanes, is a tragedy. I also think that your comments on the help that neighbors give each other in the wake of the disaster were interesting. It sounds as though the people hit by Ike are really pulling themselves together and are assisting each other a lot. Perhaps that sense of community, as you said, is a tiny silver lining to the huge tragedy of the hurricane.

Molly A. said...

Besides a few typos, I really think you got your point across. I really liked the bit about people being able and having the courage to pick themselves up after disaster. I think that that holds true for all types of situations. Nice!