Wednesday, December 10, 2008


In On the Waterfront, there are two extremes as to the answer to this question: what is the difference is between a traitor and a whistle blower? On one side, we have Ede; a pure girl who stands up for what she thinks is right and never questions her morals. She knows what is right and what is wrong, and has a large sense of justice when the rules are broken. Ede would be the first to report any injustice, hoping to change society for the better. She thinks that anyone who stands up for their ethics and tells to help society is a whistle blower. On the other side, we have the mob boss, who will stop at nothing to get what he wants, however he can. If the cost of his happiness is the life or happiness of another, he could care less. A selfish, evil man who keeps his secrets close. If you were to betray his trust and spill to the cops, then you’re as good as dead. Anyone who tattles on the mob gets the title of traitor and is punished like a traitor.
I take Ede’s stance on things. Take this example: I see one of my friends cheating on a test. Do I tell the teacher? Yes. The friend might be angry, as I have officially “tattled,” but I would feel justified in saying that I did it for her. If she just copied off of other’s tests, how would she learn? I would have just one regret in turning my own friend in, if she was doing something wrong and then called me a tattle tale. It would be the loss of a good friend.


Andrea said...

I personally think that the only reason Ede is so "pure" is because she hasn't seen life for what it really is on the docks. I don't think that she is the best comparision to use for whistle blower vs traitor because she has no practical experience. She has been at a school/convent her entire life. I think Doogan or the priest is a better example of a whistle blower for that reason.

Anonymous said...

I like the two characters you chose, they really were opposites and it was clearly shown in your first paragraph. For your second, you said you would "tattle" on your friend if they cheated on a test, and I partly disagree with that. First, I would talk with my friend and try to get them to tell the truth or, I would do it. So I would give them a chance, but still make sure justice happened.